Giving Back…
Cockeye Cares Pint Program
Cockeye Cares is a very special charitable program that allows us to work with local organizations to collaborate on a special release ice cream flavor. Proceeds are donated to the organization chosen by our team.
Feed the Team
Cockeye BBQ and Cockeye Creamery are proud to support student athletes in our communities. We offer in-kind resources to local teams. We believe in the hard work that athletes, coaches, parents, friends and family do to build our community. We try to do our part and share our expertise with our “Feed the Team” programs available.
In the Community
Cockeye BBQ and Cockeye Creamery want to be good neighbors and part of the community. We’ve developed two programs (Cockeye Cares and Feed the Team) for giving back to our area, but sometimes more help is needed in a smaller, specific area. Whether it’s donating items for a Chinese Auction, sponsoring athletic teams or running a neighborhood food drive; Cockeye can lend that extra hand when you need it.